Strategic Planning Participants

We designed and developed our long-term strategic planning process in partnership with Education First. Led by Alliance’s Strategy and Innovation team, we engaged a broad cross-section of Alliance stakeholders who participated in every  phase of the initiative, including major research documents, SWOT analysis, vision and mission statements, 3-year priorities, and the organization’s rebrand.

Five teams were charged with driving the plan’s development, including the:

  1. Long-Term Strategic Planning Team made up of Strategy and Innovation staff; 
  2. Home Office Working Group that included representatives from the CEO, Equity Programs, Instructional, and Operations teams; 
  3. School Community Working Group, made up of school leaders, teachers, school support staff, scholars, parents, and alumni; 
  4. 3-Year Priorities Development Group composed of staff from the Instruction, Equity Programs, Strategy and Innovation, and CEO teams; and 
  5. Alliance Rebrand Team, which included Strategy and Innovation and Alliance Foundation staff. 

In addition, Alliance’s executive leaders (Cabinet) and all Alliance vice presidents, instructional superintendents, principals, and assistant principals were involved in consulting on each phase of the strategic plan. A full list of participants is